Quality of management

Quality of management

Quality of work should be seen as an integral component of quality of life. It is the issue of growing importance in today's job market. It is bound by different authors with satisfaction from work, subjective well-being of workers (Connell, Burgess, Hannif 2008, 62). But these is a simplified approach. In an attempt to operationalize this concept, it should be noted that the quality of work consists of two dimensions: the quality of management and the quality of performance. In terms of the gurus of Total Quality Management, the first is domain of the managers, and the second – the employees. It was assumed that impact of the quality of management on quality of products can amount even 90% (Galetto 1999, 18).

Aware creation of quality of management should include (Współczesne 2008, 114):

  • development of policies and planning of the quality of management,
  • control of the quality of management,
  • improvement, e.g. by improving the quality of managing human resources, optimizing the use of property the organization, a high level of human capital management.

The objectives should be (Współczesne 2008, 114):

  • complete satisfaction of customer needs and expectations,
  • implementation of the requirements for owners and employees,
  • meet the expectations of other stakeholders.

T.J. Chemmanur, I. Paeglis and K. Simonyan noticed, that high quality of management is not only important for the company and its customers, but also in other dimensions. The high reputation within the competence of managers and their ability to manage work teams have an impact on the ease and cost of access to finance for business development (Chemmanur, Paeglis, Simonyan 2009, 1045).

The quality of management denotes “the extent to which a set of inherent features of a co-ordinated action, concerning the management of an enterprise and its supervision, satisfies the needs and expectations (that have been established, commonly accepted or the compliance of which is mandatory): an enterprise, its customers and other interested parties” (T. Wawak 2001, s. 73).
Quality of life
Fig. 1. Relations of quality of work with quality of life


The quality of management (Qm) is a component of the quality of work (Qp) understood as the extent to which performed work and its results (deliverables) impact the development of the performer, organisation, customer, and the environment. It depends on the manner in which performed tasks are organised (Qm) and the attitude of the person performing them (Ql). Given such an understanding the quality of work  directly  affects  the quality of products (Qw) delivered by the organisation, and indirectly  the quality of life (Qz).

See also:


  • Chemmanur T. J., Paeglis I., Simonyan K. 2009. Financial and Investment Policies, and Asymmetric of Information. Academic Journal Management Quality 44: 5.
  • Connell J., Burgess J., Hannif Z. 2008. Job Quality: What does it Mean, What does it Matter? Comparison between Australia and the UAE. International Journal of Employment 16: 1.
  • Wawak T. 2001. Zarządzanie a jakość pracy i życia. In: Zmieniające się przedsiębiorstwo w zmieniającej się politycznie Europie. vol. 4. Kraków:Wydawnictwo Informacji Ekonomicznej.
  • Współczesne paradygmaty nauk o zarządzaniu. 2008. ed. W. Kowalczewski. Warszawa: Difin.